
Zombies at CERN

Not everyone who knows me, knows that I like horror films, but I do! In fact, I'm a particular fan of zombie films. I'm such a fan, I even made a feature length one with fellow zombie-loving physicists a few years ago at CERN! Our film is called Decay, and it's named because decay is a word that is appropriate… Continue reading Zombies at CERN


Graduation Day!

It's been roughly nine months since I successfully defended my PhD thesis, and since then I've moved on to a new job, so I didn't expect graduation day to be a big deal. I would put on the colourful robes, walk onto the stage to shake someone's hand and collect my certificate - job done… Continue reading Graduation Day!

Blog, Outreach

MOSI Collider exhibit launch – a virtual view

A little over a week ago, on Thursday 22nd May, the Manchester Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI) launched the Collider exhibit, a recreation of the experience of visiting CERN. I would have loved to have been there to help out, but unfortunately I had meetings at CERN the same week and couldn't go in person.… Continue reading MOSI Collider exhibit launch – a virtual view

Blog, Science

Successful installation of the ATLAS Insertable B-Layer

On the 8th of May, I had some fantastic news in my inbox: the IBL, or Insertable B-Layer, had been taken 100m underground and installed into the ATLAS experiment at CERN! Unless you're an ATLAS physicist yourself, you probably don't know what I'm talking about when I mention the IBL. In short, it's an extra layer… Continue reading Successful installation of the ATLAS Insertable B-Layer