
Graduation Day!

It's been roughly nine months since I successfully defended my PhD thesis, and since then I've moved on to a new job, so I didn't expect graduation day to be a big deal. I would put on the colourful robes, walk onto the stage to shake someone's hand and collect my certificate - job done… Continue reading Graduation Day!

Blog, Science

Happy Higgs Day!

Today is the Higgs boson's second birthday! It was on this day, the fourth of July, in 2012 that the Higgs was unveiled to the world with the now immortal words of CERN Director General, Rolf Heuer, "I think we have it". Before the announcement was made, the atmosphere at CERN was like a rock concert.… Continue reading Happy Higgs Day!

Blog, Science

Successful installation of the ATLAS Insertable B-Layer

On the 8th of May, I had some fantastic news in my inbox: the IBL, or Insertable B-Layer, had been taken 100m underground and installed into the ATLAS experiment at CERN! Unless you're an ATLAS physicist yourself, you probably don't know what I'm talking about when I mention the IBL. In short, it's an extra layer… Continue reading Successful installation of the ATLAS Insertable B-Layer